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Louisiana Coastal Zone Survey

Louisiana Coastal Zone Survey

HiDef, in partnership with the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) and Louisiana Delta Waterfowl, has completed data collection on a groundbreaking comparative study comparing traditional visual aerial survey methods for migratory waterfowl with HiDef’s bespoke Digital Aerial Survey (DAS) methodology.

The current survey method in Louisiana has State biologists flying at an altitude of 100 feet to count, identify and sex target waterfowl species. Flying visual surveys at such a low altitude carries inherent risks and does not result in auditable datasets. The HiDef method of DAS has survey aircraft flying at a higher (and much safer) 1650 feet while continuously recording high-definition video of all avian species encountered at 7 frames a second.  Given the State of Louisiana’s reliance on aerial survey counts to inform take limits on waterfowl hunting, it is imperative that administrators have the best and most accurate data available to them.

For this study HiDef and the LDWF aircraft flew the Louisiana Coastal Zone survey concurrently, with the HiDef aircraft flying in front at 1650 feet with the LDWF aircraft following at their usual 100-foot altitude.  Separation between aircraft ranged from 2-5 minutes, with an average separation time of approximately 3 minutes, or roughly 5 miles.  This relatively short separation time will allow for a robust comparison between visual and digital survey methods.

The goal of this study is to determine the accuracy of the traditional visual survey methodology when compared to digital aerial surveying, and to eventually calculate a correction factor to apply to historical visual survey data.







HiDef are partnering in the Ecological Effects of Floating Offshore Wind programme (ECOFlow)

HiDef are partnering in the Ecological Effects of Floating Offshore Wind programme (ECOFlow)

HiDef are excited to be partnering in one of two successful projects in the Ecological Effects of Floating Offshore Wind programme (ECOFlow). This NERC: Natural Environment Research Council and The Crown Estate funded research programme, is supporting the ambitious FRONTLINE project led by Lyell Centre researchers at Heriot-Watt University. The 4-year project will investigate the impacts that expansion of floating offshore wind (FLOW) could have on Celtic Sea fronts and biodiversity and implications for commercial fisheries.

The project will use HiDef’s bespoke camera rig to capture very high-resolution digital video aerial imagery to collect large-scale data on marine megafauna, coincident with the capture of satellite imagery and the deployment of NERC’s Autosub Long Range 1500 for oceanographic sampling. HiDef will lead on the projects’ marine mammal research and will trial the deployment of acoustic recorders on the Autosub for collection of fine-scale cetacean acoustic activity in the vicinity of frontal systems. This complements seabird telemetry activities to give greater understanding of how apex predators use fronts. This multi-disciplinary research will fill knowledge gaps ahead of the expected rapid expansion of FLOW as part of the UK’s solution to reach Net Zero targets.

More information on the ECOFlow programme is available at the ECOFlow website or contact

HiDef to attend Offshore Energy 2024 in Amsterdam

HiDef to attend Offshore Energy 2024 in Amsterdam

HiDef’s Gary Close and Dilwyn Jones will be attending the Offshore Energy 2024 next week – 26th and 27th November in Amsterdam. Make sure to come say hi at Pavilion 2305 where we will be joining Ecowende to discuss current and future projects!

HiDef to attend Society of Marine Mammalogy!

HiDef to attend Society of Marine Mammalogy!

🌊 HiDef is thrilled to announce that Jess Harvey and Maria Gaedeke will be attending the upcoming Society of Marine Mammalogy conference in Perth, joined by Caroline Höschle, a marine mammal expert from BioConsult SH, our sister company in Germany.

Together, we’re looking forward to connecting with marine conservation professionals worldwide, sharing insights, and showcasing our innovative monitoring and conservation technologies for marine mammals.

If you’re interested in learning how digital aerial surveys offer unique advantages over conventional marine mammal monitoring techniques or want to explore how we detect whales even from space with sophisticated AI technology on satellite imagery, let’s connect! We’d love to discuss the benefits of our approach.

See you in Perth, or feel free to reach out! 🌐


HiDef attend Trade Mission Brazil in Rio 2024!

HiDef attend Trade Mission Brazil in Rio 2024!

HiDef’s Zack Johnson attended the Trade Mission Brazil in Rio this month.

Brazil was pleased to invite UK companies active in the renewables industry, energy transition and industry decarbonisation to participate on the trade mission to Brazil.

Zack’s presence representing HiDef was a success with many exciting project discussions and networking, we can’t wait to visit Rio again soon.

It’s World Migratory Bird Day!

It’s World Migratory Bird Day!

HiDef wishes to share the importance of insects for migratory birds, and highlight concerns related to decreasing populations of insects.

Insects are essential sources of energy for many bird species, not only during the breeding season but also during their extensive journeys, and greatly affect the timing, duration, and overall success of bird migrations.

Due to intensive agriculture, habitat destruction and light pollution, the disturbance of insect populations threaten bird well-being.

Help us share awareness and encourage proactive conservation measures. This can include switching to organic farming, reducing the use of pesticides and fertilisers, and maintaining and creating natural vegetation to help provide food and shelter for birds.

HiDef to attend Floating Wind 2024 in Aberdeen

HiDef to attend Floating Wind 2024 in Aberdeen

HiDef Aerial Surveying Limited Senior Consultant Ruth Peters-Grundy & Principal Consultant Dr Laura Williamson are excited to be attending #FloatingWind24 next week!


We’re looking forward to discussing how our Digital Aerial Surveys, acoustic monitoring, AVES Wind Offshore, SPACEWHALE, and novel data collection & modelling approaches can support your ornithology and marine mammal EIA/HRA and pre/post-consent monitoring needs.


HiDef attend Wind Energy event in Hamburg

HiDef attend Wind Energy event in Hamburg

Last week HiDef along with BioConsult and Biotope attended the Wind Energy event in Hamburg and what an amazing turn out!

We wanted to thank everyone who took the time to come see us, it’s been amazing chatting with you all and discussing some exciting projects.

Until next year!

HiDef attend 16th international seabird group conference in Coimbra.

HiDef attend 16th international seabird group conference in Coimbra.

HiDef’s William Peden attended the 16th international Seabird Group conference in Coimbra, Portugal this week to present some of the seabird research here at HiDef Aerial Surveying: 1) Digital aerial surveys as an indirect method to track seabird deaths from Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) H5N1, and 2) Demographic rates of UK seabirds for use in population models (supported by JNCC).

A fantastic week with inspiring talks and discussions!

HiDef speak at the Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand (EIANZ)

HiDef speak at the Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand (EIANZ)

We’re thrilled to announce that Jess Harvey will be speaking at the Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand (EIANZ) 2024 Impact Assessment Symposium! 🌿

Join her talk, ‘Smooth Sailing: How Lessons Learned from the UK Can Streamline Australia’s Offshore Wind Future’ on Tuesday morning. Jess will discuss assessing and managing potential impacts on marine mammals and seabirds, drawing on UK case studies. She’ll highlight methodologies for robust baseline surveys to reduce uncertainty and improve decision-making, offering insights on applying these lessons in Australia.



HiDef to be attending the Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand (EIANZ) 2024

HiDef to be attending the Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand (EIANZ) 2024

HiDef Aerial Surveying is excited to be attending the Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand (EIANZ) 2024 Impact Assessment Symposium! 🌿

Join us as we engage with industry experts and share our insights on impact assessments for offshore wind development in Australia. Learn how our digital aerial surveys contribute to environmental monitoring and impact assessments. We look forward to discussing the latest advancements and innovations in the field.

Get in touch with our Australia Program Manager Maria Gadeke or Jess Harvey to meet us there!



HiDef to attend Aviation Wildlife Management Conference

HiDef to attend Aviation Wildlife Management Conference

HiDef’s @Zack Johnson will be attending the 2024 Aviation Wildlife Management Conference – Bird Strike Committee USA on the 20th-22nd August next week.

The Aviation Wildlife Management Conference will provide insights and solutions for qualified airport wildlife biologists, covering topics such as conducting wildlife hazard assessments and training curriculums for airport personnel involved in controlling wildlife hazards.

Zack will be attending to discuss our most recent exciting product AVES, our AI-based camera bird detection system.

Make sure to say hello to find out more and discuss any future projects you might have!



HiDef attending Wind Energy this September in Hamburg!

HiDef attending Wind Energy this September in Hamburg!

HiDef are excited to share we will be attending the Wind Energy event this September in Hamburg.

Make sure to come chat with us at our stand regarding your ongoing/future projects and all things aerial surveying!

We are humbled to share these amazing photos of one of our recent digital aerial surveys, captured by one of our team during live operations.

We provide DAS from the crystal-clear waters of the Mediterranean, right across Europe to the captivating Baltic, North and Irish Seas, and from the beautiful Atlantic US and Canadian coasts, to the stunning Australian southern coasts and beyond!

These incredible images are just a glimpse of what we do. Whether it’s for infrastructure development, environmental monitoring, planning, or general scientific purposes, HiDef’s advanced technology and expert teams are here to support your projects worldwide.

Discover the difference with HiDef’s global capabilities and let us take your vision to new heights!



HiDef present at the NYSERDA state of the Science Workshop

HiDef present at the NYSERDA state of the Science Workshop

HiDef’s Kelly Macleod presented at the NYSERDA State of the Science Workshop at Stony Brook, Long Island this week.

A productive session on Wildlife Survey Design and Analysis where she had the opportunity to present the work HiDef aerial surveying are undertaking to improve abundance estimation for cetaceans from our digital video survey methodology.

Invaluable collaboration with Ben Stevenson @University of Auckland.

Andy’s Man Club

Andy’s Man Club

Yesterday HiDef gathered together to attend and listen to Andy’s Man Club facilitates groups where men aged 18 and above can speak openly about their issues in a non judgmental environment through shared experiences.

Please visit their website here: Andy’s Man Club | #ITSOKAYTOTALK | Andy’s Man Club ( where you can find more information, the work they do is incredible so please donate if you can.

Remember…ITS OK TO TALK.

HiDef attend Global Offshore Wind Manchester

HiDef attend Global Offshore Wind Manchester

Last week HiDef’s Cat Irwin, Dilwyn Jones, David Thain and Ben Cockshull attended the Global Offshore Wind Manchester. We wanted to thank everyone who said hello and chatted about exciting future projects. We look forward to attending again next year! 


HiDef consultancy team field trip

HiDef consultancy team field trip

Last week the HiDef Consultancy Team spent two days in Anstruther, Fife discussing their achievements over the past year and setting goals for the months ahead, topped off by a field trip to the Isle of May!

The team saw a wide variety of breeding seabirds, such as kittiwake, guillemot and razorbill, and were lucky enough to see nesting Arctic tern, who have returned to nest on the island after no breeding attempts in 2023. The marine mammalogists were also kept happy by lots of grey seals!

Special thanks to Mark Newell UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology and David Steel NatureScot who guided the team round the island and gave some interesting and informative talks on seabird ecology and survey methodologies.


HiDef count Puffin’s in Shetland

HiDef count Puffin’s in Shetland

This month the HiDef team were up in Shetland doing fieldwork!

Over four days the team undertook puffin counts at multiple Special Protection Area (SPA) colonies in Shetland to gain up-to-date colony counts, contribute towards the Seabird Monitoring Programme (SMP) and improve quantification of potential impacts from offshore developments. Increased monitoring is particularly important in the wake of the unprecedented outbreak of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI).

HiDef worked closely with teams on the ground from NatureScot and RSPB to achieve full coverage of these important sites.

Our team have a wealth of experience in multi-taxa marine species surveying; please send any survey and consultancy enquiries to or


All Energy Glasgow 2024

All Energy Glasgow 2024

HiDef attended the All Energy conference this week. It’s been great chatting with so many of you, discussing future projects and our services. We hope to see you all again next year!


HiDef attend Wind Energy conference in Dublin

HiDef attend Wind Energy conference in Dublin

HiDef’s Principal Consultants Catriona Gall and Caroline Carter are looking forward to attending the Wind Energy Ireland, Offshore Wind 2024 Conference in Dublin this week.

If you are looking for ornithology and/or marine mammal environmental services, please do get in touch!





HiDef attend European Cetacean Society Conference

HiDef attend European Cetacean Society Conference

HiDef have been busy at the European Cetacean Society conference this week 10th-12th April.

Jaz Harker talked about the winter distributions of common dolphin in the Irish and Celtic Seas and implications for assessment of anthropogenic impacts.

A poster by Ruth Peters-Grundy assesses diving information for cetaceans with a view to correcting abundance estimates for availability bias.

For those attending the event, there’s still time to come say hello!


Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm

Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm

HiDef are proud to have recently undertaken the marine ornithological impact assessment for both the original consent for the Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm, and this subsequent variation.

For this variation, HiDef undertook technical modelling and preparation of ornithology technical sections for the overall variation submission report.

We are delighted to have played a significant role in the projects success!

Happy International Women’s Day 2024!

Happy International Women’s Day 2024!

Today HiDef celebrates all the women who achieve and contribute massively to this great company.

It is a day when women are recognised for their achievements, so here’s to another great year crushing it!


US client excited by whale footage

US client excited by whale footage

For the past year HiDef have been working with US consultancy BRI and the US governments Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM). The project has been focussed on the gulf of Maine and its exciting marine megafauna.

This has seen thousands of images collated, reviewed, and analysed.

These cover all taxa, and additionally man-made activities, such as the extensive lobster fishery in the area. A recent highlight however was locating two Fin whales in the area who performed well for the cameras.

Manatee release – a heartwarming winter story

Manatee release – a heartwarming winter story

HiDef’s Zack Johnson has a real affinity for the Florida wetlands, both at work and play, and attended an exciting Manatee release last week.

“I first met Reckless at the St. Lucie Lock and Dam during the Army Corps of Engineers’ lock restoration project in December of 2021, for which I was the lead protected species observer.  Reckless was trapped on the Lake Okeechobee side of the dam with up to 50 other manatees at one point, unable to get past the lock to their winter warm water sites.  We (Sea World / Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission) captured her in January and moved her to the other side of the lock.  She was heavily pregnant at the time and was estimated to weigh around 2500 lbs, and over 12 feet in length.

Approximately two weeks later Reckless was found near death with her left pectoral flipper almost completely amputated at the shoulder from a large boat strike.  She was also found to be with a newborn calf, Churro, who still had the umbilical cord attached when found.  Had she not had a newborn calf with her she likely would have been euthanized, but the effort to save her was made in order to give her calf the best chance of survival.  After nearly 2 years in rehab and over 12 surgeries and procedures later, she (and Churro) was returned to the wild near the Port Everglades power plant.  Both animals wear radio tracking tags and will be checked bi-weekly by biologists to make sure they are still doing well. ”

HiDef visits University of Liverpool conference

HiDef visits University of Liverpool conference

Yesterday HiDef’s Senior Data Scientist Jack Forster attended the University of Liverpool conference for the 18th Annual Conference of the UK and Ireland Regional Student Chapter of the Society of Mammalogy.



It’s 2024 and HiDef has a busy year ahead in North America

It’s 2024 and HiDef has a busy year ahead in North America

It’s 2024 and HiDef has a busy year ahead in North America.

Last year we partnered with Williams Aerial and Mapping, a full-service photogrammetric mapping and geospatial, data firm, with over 100 years of combined experience in the aerial survey marketplace.

We are excited to be working closely with Williams and look forward to the year ahead.

Contact Zack Johnson if we can help you out in the US or Canada.


HiDef appointed as Aerial Survey Contractors for Nova East Wind in Canada

HiDef appointed as Aerial Survey Contractors for Nova East Wind in Canada

Masters project available with HiDef

Masters project available with HiDef

Masters project available with HiDef Aerial Surveying Limited (Jaz Harker and Will Peden) on the impact of avian flu on gannet populations in the British Isles!

Available through MASTS Scotland, link to project information is here:

Please get in touch if you want to hear more about the project through LinkedIn or the contact details provided in the project proposal form.

This is the link to the official project page:


Jaz Harker (Senior Ecological Consultant) –

William Penden (Senior Data Scientist) –





The Observatory,

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