In addition to our aerial survey work, HiDef offers project consultancy advice. We have an in-depth knowledge and understanding of scientific research and the ecological side of the planning system. We offer a comprehensive service to help deliver the outcomes that you need.
We bring first-hand experience of all phases of development, from scoping and early consultation through Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Appropriate Assessments (AA), consents and post-construction monitoring. Our team is built from the development, regulatory and statutory advice sectors, meaning we understand how to successfully progress projects through development, while ensuring that research studies undertaken are fit-for-purpose and scientifically robust.
Please feel free to get in touch to discuss your project consultancy requirements. We are happy to talk through project requirements over the phone or by email correspondence.
HiDef services include:
- High-resolution digital offshore wildlife surveys;
- High-resolution digital linear and wide-scale onshore infrastructure surveys;
- Expert advice and reporting;
- Displacement analysis, collision risk modelling (CRM) and population viability analysis (PVA);
- Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA); · Underwater noise recording and assessment of impacts on marine mammals;
- Development of mitigation and monitoring plans, including client representation;
- Public Inquiry;
- Peer review of technical reports and environmental statement chapters (ES);
- Onshore and offshore ornithological Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and production of ES chapters;
- Due diligence for purchasers and lenders; and
- Complex statistical analysis, technical reporting and defence in peer review
HiDef were commissioned in 2018 by Marine Scotland to produce the stochastic collision risk model (sCRM) to estimate seabird collisions at offshore wind farm developments. HiDef developed a user-friendly interface supported by background programming in ‘R code’ (a free programming language for statistical computing). The sCRM is in the process of being adopted as industry standard, available online here:
HiDef designed and implemented a bespoke decision support system (DSS) for the Moray West Offshore Wind Farm to allow for robust, but precautionary, data selection used as input values for impact assessment. Through careful engagement with SNH, HiDef were able to develop the DSS along with the key SNH staff, and to produce a data selection process that met the needs of both Moray West and SNH. In this project HiDef were able to demonstrate their ability to develop effective solutions to otherwise intractable problems, through detailed technical ability and careful stakeholder engagement.
Since 2016, HiDef have been an invited expert on several Project Steering Groups of Marine Scotland including:
- MRSea Power – a power analysis extension to the existing MRSea density surface modelling software;
- Testing and Validating Metrics of Change Produced by Population Viability Analysis (PVA);
- Short term behavioural responses of wintering waterbirds to marine activity; and,
- Regional Population Viability Analysis for key species.
These projects were all key elements of Marine Scotland Science approach to supporting the marine renewables industries in Scotland. Being invited to the steering groups for these projects demonstrates Marine Scotland’s trust in the expertise of HiDef staff and the ability to engage constructively in the development of these projects.