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Manatee release – a heartwarming winter story

Manatee release – a heartwarming winter story

HiDef’s Zack Johnson has a real affinity for the Florida wetlands, both at work and play, and attended an exciting Manatee release last week.

“I first met Reckless at the St. Lucie Lock and Dam during the Army Corps of Engineers’ lock restoration project in December of 2021, for which I was the lead protected species observer.  Reckless was trapped on the Lake Okeechobee side of the dam with up to 50 other manatees at one point, unable to get past the lock to their winter warm water sites.  We (Sea World / Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission) captured her in January and moved her to the other side of the lock.  She was heavily pregnant at the time and was estimated to weigh around 2500 lbs, and over 12 feet in length.

Approximately two weeks later Reckless was found near death with her left pectoral flipper almost completely amputated at the shoulder from a large boat strike.  She was also found to be with a newborn calf, Churro, who still had the umbilical cord attached when found.  Had she not had a newborn calf with her she likely would have been euthanized, but the effort to save her was made in order to give her calf the best chance of survival.  After nearly 2 years in rehab and over 12 surgeries and procedures later, she (and Churro) was returned to the wild near the Port Everglades power plant.  Both animals wear radio tracking tags and will be checked bi-weekly by biologists to make sure they are still doing well. ”

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