Richard brings over 35 years of ornithological technical expertise and ID to our identification team. As a Senior Ornithologist, Richard has a responsibility for ensuring that the ID team is fully trained for the purposes of identification of birds and marine mammals from aerial footage and that the quality assurance processes are followed. Richard is an Approved JNCC ESAS (European Seabirds at Sea) trainer, has undertaken many visual aerial surveys including many for JNCC and has extensive experience of both boat-based and terrestrial ornithological survey. Richard has been a member of the British Birds Rarities Committee (BBRC) from 2010 to 2020. Richard is one of a handful of birders in the world to have seen over 8000 species of bird. Richard has identified well over 500,000 bird and marine mammal images from HiDef, BioConsult footage having been a part of the HiDef team since the beginning.
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