HiDef with BioConsult have expanded services to Australia and have deployed a survey rig and staff in south east Australia as a first step. With momentum building in the regions offshore industry digital aerial surveying will play a key part in the consenting process.
We are working closely with Melbourne based ecological consultancy Nature Advisory, dedicated professionals with extensive experience in addressing the biodiversity information requirements of decision-makers and regulators throughout Australia. They will add an ‘Aussie’ QA to our works and help with logistics for our data.
Maria Gädeke has moved over from Germany and is our Wildlife Projects Manager is based in Melbourne Australia and is our first point of contact regarding our ongoing projects.
If you are located in Australia and want to discuss any projects please contact Maria, she would be more than happy to answer any questions!
Maria’s contact information:
Email: Maria Gädeke m.gaedeke@bioconsult-sh.de or maria.gaedeke@hidefsurveying.co.uk
Contact number: +61 (0) 402 230 352