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Zack Johnson

Zack Johnson

Zack is our North American Wildlife Projects Manager and the primary point of contact for North American projects. He brings with him over a decade of field experience working with all kinds of protected species, from tracking tagged wild and captive born manatees in the swampy waterways of Florida to monitoring the installation of subsea fiber optic data transmission cables for collisions or entanglements with marine mammals off the coast of California. He is an US Army Corps of Engineers and Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) approved manatee observer and has assisted FWC with stranding events, rescues, and necropsies on more than 5 different marine mammal species over the course of 15 years. As a US Navy Veteran who worked as an Aviation Electronics Technician on aircraft carriers, he also has a strong technical background and understands the complexities of operating at sea.

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The Observatory,

Dobies Business Park,

Lillyhall, Workington,

Cumbria, CA14 4HX

Tel: 01946 814463

Registered in England and Wales No. 5587044

Registered Office: The Observatory, Dobies Business Park, Lillyhall, Workington, Cumbria, CA14 4HX

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